Rose Garrity is the retired Founder and 30-year Executive Director of A New Hope Center (ANHC), an upstate New York organization providing a full range of services for survivors of abuse, sexual assault and other crimes. Rose developed, built and guided ANHC to do its work with anti-oppression consciousness, and a strong commitment to serve all victims and survivors of abuse and other crimes from a region including and beyond its own county. Rose remains Emeritus on the board of A New Hope Center, was the President and Secretary of the Board of Directors of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) for several terms, remains on the NCADV Advisory Board, served for ten years on the NYS Coalition Against Domestic Violence board, two as its president, served for six years on the NYS Coalition Against Sexual Assault board, is on the board of a local Center for Gender, Arts and Culture, has been involved with National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS) since 1990, and serves on the National Leadership Council of NOMAS, among other organizational associations. She has written and trained on topics of justice and equality for many years. She served on the faculty of a national training institute on batterer/perpetrator programs for many years, including presenting on a feminist model for this work to the European Union at a conference in Trieste, Italy. Rose has received many awards for her work, including the NOMAS Brother Peace Award. In her retirement Rose remains active in many facets of social justice activism, addressing issues such as white supremacy, heterosexism, classism, mass incarceration, patriarchal domination, and growing right-wing neo-fascism.