Dr. Melissa Platt is a licensed clinical psychologist and therapist in Portland, Oregon with 15 years of experience specializing in helping survivors to heal from betrayal trauma. She has published over a dozen research and scholarly articles and co-edited a book on topics related to betrayal trauma. She serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.
Dr. Melissa Platt is a licensed clinical psychologist and therapist in Portland, Oregon specializing in complex relational trauma. She has multiple publications working alongside Dr. Jennifer Freyd of the Center for Institutional Courage, Dr. Pam Birrell, and Dr. Jocelyn Barton among others prominent in the field of trauma, most frequently on the concept of betrayal trauma, shame, disassociation, and sexual trauma. Dr. Platt also collaborated on a chapter for Violence Against Women in Families and Relationships.