Lisa Fischel-Wolovick

Lisa Fischel-Wolovick is an attorney who has represented victims of domestic violence for thirty years. She is the author of numerous publications including her recent book Traumatic Divorce and Separation: The Impact of Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse in Custody and Divorce, published by Oxford University Press in 2018. She also helped to organize the first criminal court that specializes in domestic violence in New York State. Before becoming an attorney, she obtained her master’s in social work and worked in medical social work, which included advocacy and counseling for victims of domestic abuse. Ms. Fischel-Wolovick is currently teaching Family Violence, Child Maltreatment, and Psychology of a Victim at John Jay College’s graduate program in Forensic Psychology. She is on the Board of Directors and Co-President of the National Family Court Watch Project and is a frequent speaker on domestic violence, child custody, and trauma at national and international conferences. She also provides consultation and training for attorneys, mental health professionals, and the judiciary on the impact of domestic violence and trauma.