Ryan Hart and his brother Luke share their family’s story of coercive control and domestic homicide in their autobiography, Remembered Forever, the searing account of their father’s murder of their beloved mother and sister as the final act of a life-long campaign of coercive control. As survivors of a father who believed that his family members were simply possessions, never referring to them by their names, who required total obedience, controlling their every move without ever using violence, Ryan and Luke seek to educate the public about the devastating impact of coercive control through their non-profit CoCoAwareness.
The two brothers are award-winning domestic abuse advocates and international keynote speakers, who have brought their experiences to tens of thousands of people, in hundreds of speaking engagements across 13 countries, helping professionals in identifying, understanding, and ending domestic abuse. They share their story as White Ribbon Ambassadors and Refuge Champions speaking out against male violence towards women and children and have also worked with the charity Level Up to produce and advocate for domestic homicide reporting guidelines and have received a number of awards for their work in raising awareness – including the Lincolnshire Police Outstanding Contribution to Public Service 2018/2019, BBC Inspirations 2020 award and the Big Issue’s Top 100 Changemakers of 2020.